FTA Co-operative Thrift Limited

Month: December 2021


The inclusion of a Teachers village was a noble thought, floated and consented to by members, in 1997, when the FTA Housing Assistance Scheme was first established. 

In taking over the functions when the FTAHAS merged with the FTA Co-operative Thrift Ltd in 2017, the current FTACTL Board ensured that this realization was fulfilled

Its subdivision and further development, within reach in the purchase of land at Nakadi, Navuso (60 quarter acres) and 13 quarter acres at Natabua in Lautoka.  As per FTACTL policy, the Youth members will enjoy 30% of all land and property dealings of the FTA Co-operative Thrift Ltd.

The Launching of the Teacher’s Village was held in Dratabu during a consultation with members. The Dratabu visit in Nadi, saw the attendance of members from the greater Nadroga, Nadi, Lautoka, Ba Tavua and Vatukoula areas.

The Teacher’s Village was launched at Dratabu village Hall during the consultation with presence of Taukei Navo (Dratabu) Ratu Meli Saukuru, the head of the Yavusa Nanuku, Namoli (owners of the 13 acres at Natabua) and FTACTL Members.


In ensuring the safety and certain obligatory functions towards its Executives and Board members, with the inclusion of its staff, this product has consistently been a part of the Fijian Teachers Association and Fijian Teacher’s Association Co-operative Thrift for the past decades.   

The current Board in visualizing a clear demarcation of its objects has extended its efforts to include a member’s family in its obligatory sphere.  This will assist in the preparation of the member’s family obligations during and after the members’ tenured term of service.

A Game Changer in itself, the modified product is envisioned to ensure that all members, will have the option to either, after their demise, are accorded the highest respect in appreciation of their loyal, selfless and dedicated service to the teaching fraternity during their teaching tenure.  However, in the event should they retire, have the alternative to either continue with the NA KAKAVAKI until they reach 60 or 65 years of age, or may opt to collect their full premium plus SPECIAL INTEREST after satisfying preliminary conditions.

Click HERE to download the Na Kakavaki Scheme Registration Form.


FTACTL Chairman visited the islands of Moala,Totoya, Matuku, Vatoa and Ono in the Lau Group in his capacity as UNICEF Pacific Education Specialist with MEHA officers. He was able to conduct FTACTL consultations as well as member services to teachers in majority of the schools in all the islands visited.

Members were really overwhelmed with the office updates and the services and products available with FTACTL especially the new IT System – the Thrift Plus 1 Member Online Portal. They witnessed first hand the ease of services as loan applications were approved from the meeting venues. FTACTL wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to Heads of Schools and Teachers of schools visited for their hospitality.


We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website www.ftactl.org.fj.

After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on March 19, 2021. We wanted to make the new website faster ,easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.

The FTACTL Chairman, Mr. Iosefo Volau, in his address mentioned that that was part of the Vision set in 2017, and that was, the FTACTL “To be a leader in the Co-operative Business in Fiji and the Region”. Specifically, an objective in the second output of the 2017 – 2019 Strategic Plan was “To obtain ICT system that is relevant, user friendly and improves services to members”. That objective was also adopted into the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan to complete work on the web-based financial database system, “Thrift Plus 1” and eventually, the launch of the website. In fact, the Covid-19 pandemic in a way, was also a positive catalyst speeding up the completion and achievement of those objectives and allowing the FTACTL to serve members better with the launching of the Member Portal. With the emergence of “new norms” due to COVID-19, service to members remained paramount for the FTACTL, thus the adoption of new products and services, procedures as well as platforms to maintain the trend. Mr. Volau also urged that members change their mindsets and save more and loan wisely as the FTACTL is adapting to the changing paradigms of the Co-operative business during this challenging time.

The FTACTL was honored to have the presence of the FTA President, Mr. Netani Druavesi, the FTA General Secretary, Mr. Paula Manumanunitoga, Representatives from the Department of Co-operatives, WESTPAC Bank, IP1 and the Designer of our website GEM IT. In addition, support received from the FTA Executives, the FTACTL Board members as well as the FTA and FTACTL staff and all faithful FTA family members was appreciated.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Naisa Cama (FTA Treasurer). Mr Tawake Gaunavou (Westpac Accounts Manager). Mr Peceli Rinakama (RFTA Vice President). Mr Netani Druavesi (FTA President). Ms Monika Vakalalabure (FTA VP/Professional). Mrs Nanise Kamikamica (FTACTL Vice Chair). Mr Iosefo Volau (FTACTL Chairman). Mr Marika Nasedra (Department fo Co-operative Officer). Mr Jack Kivi (IP1 Director Finance). Mr Paula Manumanunitoga (FTA General Secretary)

As a Co-operative, it is important to disseminate information regarding our products and services easily and accessible to our current and prospective members. We endeavor to provide our members with the most accurate, up-to-date information and share our knowledge and experiences of events that are of interest to members. Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about the FTACTL’s services and to browse information based on their own choice. The new website gives better access to ‘Who We Are,’ our Savings and Loans Products, Investment portfolio, News & Events, Services, Join procedures and Resources.

Amongst the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for the FTACTL Facebook Page as well as the FTACTL Youtube Channel, to foster improved communication with members. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, Co-operative announcements and member successes in the News.

To our amazing Media and Publicity team at the FTACTL, your time, energy and efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you for working in collaboration with GEM IT SOLUTIONS to make this site what it is, and our web-based database developer partner Infinity Plus One who have been a fantastic partner for us and we wholeheartedly recommend them!

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please E-mail Us on info@ftactl.org.fj or ftactl@fta.org.fj.